Vigiagua: FVS-RCP implements the program in Manaquiri and Careiro da Várzea
The initiative aims to strengthen water quality control
The Foundation for Health Monitoring in Amazonas – Dr. Rosemary Costa Pinto (FVS-RCP) held, between December 13 and 17, a training course for the implementation of the Vigiagua Program in the municipalities of Careiro da Várzea and Manaquiri (respectively, on December 25 and 17). 60 km from Manaus).
The training, which is coordinated by the Non-Biological Risk Management (GRNB/FVS-RCP), is taking place so that technicians can conduct routine water quality monitoring in municipalities.
According to FVS-RCP Principal Director, Tatiana Amorim, the intention is to continue expanding the program in the state. “It is important to strengthen monitoring measures to ensure better water quality monitoring, to strengthen disease prevention and health promotion measures,” stresses Tatiana.
GRNB/FVS-RCP Director and Country Coordinator in Vigiagua, Geani Souza, explains that the goal is to prepare professionals so that they can perform sample collection and water quality analysis for human consumption. “The goal is to verify that the water distributed to the population is of good quality, which meets the standards of current legislation,” explains Jenny.
For industrial chemist and Manaquire representative, Beto Ramos, the Vigiagua program will improve the quality of life for the residents of his municipality. “The course was great, I realized its importance and the importance of logging everything into the state’s water supply system,” Peto says.
Fijiagua – The Vigiagua Program is an initiative of the Amazonas Ministry of Health, coordinated by FVS-RCP and is already in place in 39 municipalities in the state. FVS-RCP implements water quality training, which is carried out by municipal health secretariats.
reference – FVS-RCP is responsible for health surveillance for Amazonas and serves to monitor disease in the state. Monitoring includes the coordination of the Vigiagua Program which is coordinated in Amazonas by the Non-Biological Risks Administration (GRNB) of the Environmental Monitoring Division (DVA) of FVS-RCP.
The institution is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, at Avenida Torquato Tapajós, 4010, Colônia Santo Antônio, Manaus.
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