Professionals who have more overtime work, especially on holidays.
Data published on the Transparency Portal show that last year there were more than 55 million hours of overtime worked, an increase of 2.38 million (4.5%) compared to 2022. Work on vacation days almost doubled, from 3.1 million hours to 6.1 million hours, while It was daytime overtime that fell the most: 628,000 fewer hours, about 9%. The largest hospital centers were the SNS entities where it was absolutely necessary to resort to overtime, chief among them the CH Universitário de Coimbra, with more than 4.3 million overtime hours.
Regarding absenteeism, in 2023, SNS workers missed 421 thousand fewer days (a decrease of 9.3%), compared to the previous year, for a total of 5.5 million days of absence.
Missing PostScript sns.eps (20458233) (Millennium)
Illness is the most common cause of absence from work (2.4 million), but at a lower rate of 538 thousand days compared to 2022. It is followed by protection in paternity, with more than 1.6 million days of absence. The reason for absence from work in the National Health Service that has risen the most is strikes: in 2022, absences amounted to 70,000 days, and last year, marked by protests from all professional classes, they rose to 229,000 days.
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Health centers in the future
In terms of strike absences, ARS Lisboa and Vale do Tejo were the most present (21,040 days), followed by ARS Norte (20,150). By hospitals, CHU Coimbra had 13,494 days, and CHU Lisboa Norte, 12,821 days.
More than 31 thousand doctors
In November 2023, SNS had approximately 150,000 connected workers. Of these, there were 31,430 doctors (including trainees), 50,903 nurses and 9,810 senior diagnostic and treatment technicians.
Data published on the Transparency Portal show that last year witnessed more than 55 million overtime hours, an increase of 2.38 million (4.5%) compared to 2022.
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