The Pavel Durov team is constantly working on improving Telegram, always with a lot of new features. The latest version arrives now, with many improvements, focused on the use of new combinations and features.
This message is now available, but it arrives with another message from the creator of Telegram. It’s only a few days late because Apple postponed the evaluation process, which should be quick for an app of this importance.
There are many news on Telegram
It was over the weekend when Pavel Durov and his team revealed The latest version This is your application and your messaging service. From what they have published, he is willing to embrace many areas, but mainly focus on groups.
Of course, it has some unique features, which at the moment can only be accessed by those with a Telegram Premium plan. What stands out most is the text translation, which is now available directly in the app.
New features in groups
Another novelty associated with existing usernames. It can now be collected and traded by users. with one custom platform For these transactions, users can then use them on Telegram whenever they want.
When it comes to groups, we have the biggest new thing in Telegram for this release. From now on, there is the possibility of creating topics. This ensures greater organization of these conversation areas, so that they can be used in groups of more than 200 users. These will be separate conversations, with designated areas.
The update brings more changes
Finally, and on both iOS and Android, the Telegram interface has been improved, both in text and in night mode. Emojis are now more interactive and can be used and abused by users, especially in reactions to messages.
This new version is available now and is expected for a few days now. The truth, according to Pavel Durov, is Apple's ban on the Telegram application and the revision of the new version of the application. From openThis had been expected since last week and far exceeded the 24 hours announced by the company.
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