Living for many years with quality of life, with health, without disease, is the dream of any human being. As far as science and technological progress depend, this is the near future. The trend is global and Brazil can be proud to be at the forefront of this movement.
In this scientific field, the highlight is the research on the use of mesenchymal stem cells, which function in the regeneration of many tissues of the human body, and the release of chemicals that facilitate the regeneration process and that modulate the immune system. These cells are multipotent, as they have the potential to form different tissues.
Mesenchymal stem cells, especially those taken from baby teeth, have a high quality because they are so small. They have the ability to help regenerate different types of tissues and organs, such as: skin, pancreas, cartilage, nervous tissue, fatty tissue, bone, heart tissue, liver, teeth, eyes, and muscles. In addition, the improvement in the quality of life or even the treatment of chronic diseases or diseases that are now considered incurable such as Parkinson’s disease, the consequences of stroke and even spinal cord injuries are getting closer.
With this important discovery, people will be able to live longer and better, using their own materials to regenerate any type of tissue, eliminating the risk of rejection. Currently, for example, we are having tremendous success in the experimental treatment of children with a cleft lip, which is conventionally corrected with highly invasive surgery, which occurs around 8 years of age and consists in removing part of the hip bone to bridge the gap, an extremely painful procedure with slow recovery. On average, up to three surgeries are needed. With stem cell therapy, bone tissue is formed, and within six months, the cleft lip and palate are completely closed. This is just an example of what is happening and what lies ahead. More effective, less painful treatments and better results are becoming a reality, says scientist Jose Ricardo Muniz Ferreira, who has studied and improved the technology of extracting cells from baby teeth, storing them and implanting them. “A true treasure: young, highly versatile stem cells,” he asserts.
Ferreira is the president of R-Crio – a Brazilian cell treatment center with stakeholders from various fields such as: dentistry, biology, biomedicine, medicine and engineering which, despite the unstable economic scenario that our country is going through, decided to invest heavily because they know the benefits that can That this area brings to all residents. According to him, Brazil is far ahead in this issue compared to other countries. “In our travels to universities around the world, such as England and India, where I have spoken recently, I have spoken a lot with many colleagues and have been able to see Brazil at the forefront in this sector,” he celebrates. He also says that patent production by Brazilian researchers is increasing in this sector, making our country a reference in this matter. “We are no longer the stigmatized country of selling goods and we are increasingly moving towards the production of intellectual property, the generation of business and jobs and the promotion of the economy and health,” he explains.
According to the scientist, public health in our country tends to gain a lot from regenerative medicine. “In addition to the population health gain, the government will save significantly by using it.”
Recently, the National Health Surveillance Agency – ANVISA, through Resolution 214 and Public Consultation 416, is working in favor of regulating good research practices in this area, strengthening work with stem cells.
It is up to the press and the community to spread this good news! It has been and will remain increasingly constant and important in people’s lives, increasing expectations and quality of life, concludes scientist José Ricardo Muniz Ferreira.
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