On Tuesday (13) the municipality of Joao Pessoa released the result and preliminary classification of the health and administrative district competitions. The tests were held on June 13.
Information can be found at The website of the competition organizer AOCP Institute. The deadline for submitting resources indicating results is from 12:00 AM this Wednesday until 23:59 this Thursday (15). The event organizing committee will analyze.
The jobs offered in the administrative district were administrative assistant, engineer and architect. In the field of health, middle, technical, and higher education jobs were shown, such as ambulance driver, nursing and radiology technician, biomedical, pharmacist, and various medical specialties.
The competition saw a high percentage of absent candidates, 39.6%. In the morning, out of 46,727 registered, 28,152 attended. In the afternoon, 4,227 took the test out of 6,948 registered. In total, out of 53,675 registered, 21,246 missed the race.
Also according to the organizer, 21 people were disqualified for not complying with the notice after being caught busy with cell phones and ringing during the contest application.
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